Business/Övrigt – EU
European Business Law, I (offered by Lund University)
The European Union is one of the world’s largest and most important economies. This five week course is the first in a series of three that will provide students with an insight into European Business Law. The series ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on various specialized areas of law. Each course will give the students an understanding of the laws and policies that regulate the internal market of European Union, as well as relevant case law and useful inputs from leading practitioners in the field.
Course I - Understanding the Fundamentals
- Module 1. Introduction to EU law
- Module 2. Legal Method and Sources
- Module 3. Constitutional Freedoms and Fundamental principles
- Module 4. Freedom of Movement
- Module 5. The External Dimension
För vem: All three courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your needs and preferences
Längd: Ca 10 timmar
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Business/Övrigt – EU
European Business Law, II (offered by Lund University)
This six-week course titled Doing Business in Europe is the second in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations relevant to establishing and managing a company within the European Union, the course also explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the course discusses strategic and financial considerations within Company law, as well as Labour law issues such as restructuring enterprises, working conditions and handling crises situations. The course also examines other legal areas such as Tax law, Environmental law and Private International law, and how they tie in to doing business in Europe.
Course II - Doing Business in Europe
- Module 1. Making Business Transactions
- Module 2. Establishing a Company
- Module 3. Employing and Working in Europe
- Module 4. Paying Taxes and Complying with Environmental Standards
- Module 5. Case Clinic
- Module 6. Resolving Cross-border Disputes
För vem: All three courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your needs and preferences
Längd: Ca 10 timmar
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Business/Övrigt – EU
European Business Law, III (offered by Lund University)
This six-week course titled Competing in Europe is the third in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations, the series explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the third course discusses how to compete on the internal market and protect your brand, product or invention. It includes legal disciplines such as Intellectual Property law (IP law), Competition law and specific branches within Public law, such as public procurement and state aid.
Course III - Competing in Europe
- Module 1. Trademarks as Essential Assets
- Module 2. Defending Patents
- Module 3. Competition: Illegal Agreements
- Module 4. Competition: Abuse of Dominance and Mergers
- Module 5. Advocacy and Legal Writing
- Module 6. Selling to the State and State Aid
För vem: All three courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your needs and preferences
Längd: Ca 12 timmar
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Övrigt – ESS
NPAP, I – Introduction to Particle Accelerators (offered by Lund University)
This course is the first of three courses in the NPAP – Nordic Particle Accelerator Programme – MOOC series. It explains how a particle accelerator can generate light of wavelengths down to one Angstrom, as well as how the ESS facility at Lund University can create a massive flux of neutrons by accelerating protons and letting them smash into a disk of tungsten.
There are also two following courses, NPAP II -Fundamentals of Particle Accelerator Technology and NPAP III – Medical Applications of Accelerators.
För vem: Intermediate level
Längd: Ca 11 timmar (Föreslaget 3 veckors studer, 5-8 timmar/vecka)
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Den nödvändiga innovationen (erbjuds av RISE)
Idag pratar nästan alla om innovationen, både i politiken och inom företagsvärlden, men vad innebär det egentligen att vara innovativ och hur bygger man ett innovativt företag?
RISE har sammanställt korta filmer (ca 2-3 min per styck) som beskriver hur man kan skapa förutsättningar för innovation och hitta metoder för att ta tillvara på nya möjligheter.
För vem: Alla
Längd: Korta informationsfilmer (ca 2-3 min/st)
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Övrigt – Arbetsmiljö
Work and Technology on Human Terms (erbjuds av Prevent)
Syftet med webbutbildningen är att bidra till säkrare och hälsosammare arbetsplatser genom att öka kunskaperna om hur produkter, system och arbetsorganisationer kan utformas på människans villkor.
Utbildningen vänder sig till högskolestuderande som i sitt kommande arbetsliv kan förväntas ha inflytande över arbetsmiljön i sin roll som produktutvecklare, arkitekter, chefer och ledare.
För vem: Målgruppen är i första hand studenter vid ingenjörs-, ekonomi- och beteendevetarprogrammen, men utbildningen riktar sig även till yrkesverksamma som genomgått dessa utbildningar. Utbildningen ger också till exempel chefer och skyddsombud fördjupade arbetsmiljökunskaper jämfört med Prevents utbildning Bättre arbetsmiljö − BAM.
Längd: Nämns ej men det är förmodligen en kort kurs, ca en dag
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Övrigt – Språk
Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone (offered by Georgia Tech)
Do you want to speak better English? This course will help you reach that goal. Speak English Professionally: In person, Online and On the Phone will boost your English speaking skills. In this 5 week course, you will learn how to identify and make a strong personal introduction. You will develop and demonstrate the speaking skills for group discussions: how to agree or disagree, how to clarify, restate and summarize. You will review and practice how to give information and respond to requests on the phone. You will study and role play effective interviewing. You will prepare and give a sales “pitch”, introducing a product or service. Throughout the course, you will adjust how you speak English and you will become more fluent and accurate when you speak. You will demonstrate culturally appropriate body language and tone. As you work through the course, you will complete self- and peer-evaluations. Through a combination of lectures, comprehension and vocabulary quizzes, practice and performance, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to communicate well in English, anywhere in the world.
För vem: Alla
Längd: Ca 16 timmar (Föreslaget 4 veckors studer, 4 timmar/vecka)
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
Övrigt - Språk
English for the Workplace (erbjuds av British Counsil)
This course is for people who are learning English and who are interested in developing English language skills for employability and workplace contexts. It will help job seekers and young professionals with the English they need.
Each week, we’ll focus on key aspects of English for the workplace. You’ll watch videos and listen to audio recordings of people searching and applying for jobs, preparing for interviews, taking interviews, starting their new job, and working with new colleagues. Our experienced tutor will examine some of the language used and will draw your attention to useful points that will help you improve your English in workplace contexts.
The course does not follow a language syllabus but takes workplace English as its starting point, and offers functional language phrases and real, authentic workplace scenarios. Short quizzes and discussions will help you measure your understanding and practise your English.
För vem: Alla
Längd: 4 veckor (Föreslaget 2 timmars studer/vecka)
Start: När som helst
Kostnad: Gratis
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